This article talks about the importance of arts in early education of children and why Josiah champions this ancient but yet effective methodology of imparting education to young minds.
How many ways can you use a paper clip? The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking is frequently cited to show that children’s creativity decreases along with formal school education. A longitudinal study was conducted in a kindergarten and an astounding 98% of the children scored at the genius level of Divergent Thinking. These children are able to think of endless ways to use a paperclip. This percentage continues to fall to a depressing 2% upon adulthood. This study emphasises that we are born with the innate gift of creativity but which dwindles upon progress through formal education system.
The World Economic Forum had recently released its “Human Capital Report” which underlines that social skills (e.g. Persuasion, Emotional Intelligence) and cognitive abilities (e.g. Creativity) will be prevalent in the list of core skills required in rising industries.
These soft skills are practiced through the arts where space is given to imagine and challenge the confinements of the mind. However, the inclusiveness of the arts in education leaves much to be desired and to which remains as one of the most discussed topics as presented by Sir Ken Robinson on his monologue “Do schools kill creativity”. Proving his point, at a school in New York, parents looked forward to watching their children perform at the school’s recital only for the event to be canceled as educating children for college takes precedence.
The Importance of Arts in Early Education in Josiah Montessori
Here in Josiah Montessori, we highly appreciate and value the arts. We believe that the Arts is intrinsic to the healthy growth of an individual. The product of our vision for the arts movement in is our Musical Arts Program (MAP) which involves 5 specially curated components: Dance, Vocal Training, Art, Chinese Speech and Drama and Musical Appreciation.
“There is so much fun in the Arts and this is shown when the children are always so keen and enthusiastic. The children are always so excited whenever they get to be engaged in any of the art forms and are ever so eager to find out what they will be doing next!” – Ms Syarah, Art Specialist Teacher
What makes the arts programme in Josiah Montessori different from other schools?
In fact, the reason why the arts programme in Josiah Montessori is special is simply because it isn’t. Hear the irony out: MAP lessons are not reserved for festive occasions nor used as enrichment, these lessons are part of the curriculum. The children look forward to participating in one of the 5 components of MAP daily; we believe that the arts is part and parcel of growing up. Through MAP, children practice soft skills which heighten their EQ and it shows in their day-to-day interaction with family members and peers. Our children at Josiah Montessori breathe life into each performance or artwork which shows their singularity in which no two child is the same.
“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.” – Sydney Gurewitz Clemens
How do our children benefit from MAP?
Our children here are exposed to many different genres within art, music, dance and even theatre. There are indeed the occasional cases where some children are reluctant to participate in any forms of the arts due to the lack of self-confidence but they were eventually able to discover their interests with the broad range of genres available coupled with the constant flow of encouragement from our pool of specialist teachers! Should these children intend to pursue the arts externally in future, they will have an edge since they were already taught the basics in school. The program also builds confidence in children who will be able to express themselves with clarity and have a heightened sense of curiosity as they are used to connecting themselves with whatever they were taught in MAP lessons!
“MAP engages children in purposeful and age-appropriate fun which ignites their curiosity and express their own creativity unique to only themselves!” – Ms Ela, MAP Specialist Teacher
The importance of Arts in early education are plenty. Through Josiah’s MAP program, children experience fun in learning and this is all it takes for our children to have an epic childhood to remember.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more on our MAP!
To find out in-depth on the benefits of MAP, read here!
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