Happy March Holidays! - Josiah
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Happy March Holidays!

Apr 06, 2018

“Enriching lives with fun & joy,

A child at a time.”



This holiday, it’s all about CAMPING at Josiah Suntec – We turned our Suntec branch into a campsite!

Our beloved children learned how to set up tents, pack for camps, and prepare insect jars to keep out the nasty insects! We also enjoyed many camp activities such as games and singing campfire songs like ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’. Psst, the children set up their very own ‘campfire’!

We also had a wonderful time roasting marshmallows by the ‘campfire’, making minestrone soup, as well as amazingly cute bear sandwiches!

Come join us in this warm, fun and toasty camp in Josiah Suntec!





At Josiah Aperia this March holiday, we made the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carl come alive!

Our precious babies sat back, relaxed and enjoyed a moment of storytelling by our passionate teachers. The teachers even used real fruits as props in their storytelling to enhance the entire experience for the children!

We then went on to put our creativity to use – craft work time! The children had a great time doing a balloon painting of a caterpillar with their precious friends! We also did threading exercise with our babies!

This, is how we make stories come alive!



We had lots of fun being “Cool, Fun Kids”! In Josiah Changi, we strongly believe that it’s never too early to teach our children about the importance of leading healthy lifestyles and cultivating healthy habits!

We learned to keep our bodies fit and healthy through dancing to songs, watching informative videos and enjoying interesting presentations prepared by our beloved teachers! From myopia prevention to oral and personal hygiene, we covered them all!

“Germs, Germs, Go Away!” – we learned the importance of washing our hands thoroughly with soap and water. Also, we got introduced to the “Healthy Plate”, where we learned all about the benefits of eating healthy.

How can a holiday programme end without games and food? We played many indoor games, enjoyed a time of outdoor Zumba, water-play, and even had a mini sports day!

We even went on a mini outdoor picnic, where we got to enjoy the food we prepared. Some interesting food prepared includes fruit parfaits and flower tea!

Come join us in an energy-burning time of FUN!


That’s all for March Holidays 2018. Stay tuned for more exciting events coming your way this 2018!

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