Do You Know… About Quiet Games? - Josiah
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Do You Know… About Quiet Games?

Dec 11, 2017

Have you ever heard of the term “quiet games”? If it’s the first time you come across this term, you might be wondering: how can games be quiet? Well, as ironic as it sounds, quiet games do exist!

In Josiah, we often play quiet games. What exactly are quiet games? Why do we play quiet games? Well, keep reading on to find out more, as we share with you more about quiet games!

 What are quiet games?

Quiet games are played in groups with the minimum voice level (sometimes in quietness). Through quiet games, we can heighten the sense of hearing in every child.

Quietness will bring about a sense of calmness to facilitate the control of external bodily movements arising spontaneously from the young child.

The objectives are:

  1. To develop concentration.
  2. To enhance bodily coordination.
  3. To foster a sense of independence and order.

Why do we have quiet games?

To help the children learn better by facilitating every child to enter into a state of calmness, where there is effective self-regulation and readiness for optimal learning to take place.

When do we play quiet games?

Quiet games are played at any time of the day as a pre-event, leading up to the main activity or lesson.

How successful have quiet games been?

Quiet games are played with our 3-year-olds, who have relatively high energy levels. We often face challenges in settling them down – body and mind.

Through playing quiet games, we facilitate the child to experience calmness before the start of their next lesson/activity. With better concentration and readiness, optimal potential can be realised in every child.

After the implementation of quiet games, we observed that there were huge improvements in getting the children to settle down, and getting them to ease into the next activity. They were also more ready and settled for effective learning to take place. Hence, I’d say that the quiet games have been working really well with our children here at Josiah and thus, quiet games have been extremely successful.

That’s all for quiet games from us! We hope you learned something new from this article today. J


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